Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Irattai Dosai

Here's one of my Amma's special. I have never tried it though, you will know the reason after reading the procedure :))

1. Raw rice - 2 cup
2. methi seeds(vendhayam) - 2 spoon
3. salt - 3/4 spoon
4. water - 4 cups


Soak methi seeds for 4 hours
Soak raw rice for 1 hour, then drain the water.
After 10 minutes, grind the rice to a nice powder.
Sieve the powder.
Rava sized left over should be kept separately.
Boil 4 cups of water in a pan.
Gradually add the rava sized rice powder to this without forming any clumps(could take 10 to 15 minutes). This should come to kanji consistency.
After 1 or 2 hours, when it cools down, mix the sieved (finely powdered) flour and keep it aside.
After 6 or 9 hours it will get to Dosai maavu consistency.
Make one pancake sized (1/2 centimeter thick) dosa. This should be cooked for 5 to 7 minutes with a lid over it.
When it is cooked 3/4th, remove it from the pan.
Make another pancake sized dosa. As soon as pouring the batter on the pan for this 2nd dosa, put the first one on top of it and close this with a lid. Let it cook well for another 5 minutes.

Serve it with coconut chutny or well powdered sugar with ghee. This dosai is also called double-decker dosai!!

Now..if you succeed in making this, let me know. I should interview you and add the comments to my blog!! Hats off to you!!!


Deepak said...

Hmm, n-eRaya poRumai vENumthAn.
but this rettai dosai is just for fun it looks like right? because the same kind of batter is used to top dosa 2?

How often did your amma do this?

Ramsi said...

Yes...just for fun :)
My Mom made it atleast once in 6 months